Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Taking an audio tour down scenic Quality Street

Barney & I suspected that 'Freaks & Greeks' would be a subject to fuel our collective IMLagination - but I (for one) was NOT prepared for the veritable 'Quality Street' of songs created for this album! And there's not a single Toffee Coin to be seen.

I urge you all to follow Rob's lead and abstain from listening until the album is 'released' - rest assured, it's going to be measurably better than any of its predecessors. I'm astonished as always by all of y'all's diversity, taste and quite honestly, by your balls! What a brilliant collection of artists we've assembled! Welcome - incidentally - to BT Apricot, whose debut is a first-class top-deck wonder to the ear-ports.

Silly me - I thought that maybe y'all weren't that into these projects anymore - but the proof is in the pudding - and the pudding is almost cooked/set (depending on if its a British-style pudding, or American-style, which is essentially custard - though custard by the British definition, not the American, which is like Egg Ice Cream.)

It seems that a number of us have been forced to abandon tracks and/or pull out of the project this time around (I scrapped 2 tracks myself!) and that's OKAY! Don't feel bad! The IML is about having fun making music, and if Deadlines and commitments are dragging you down, there's no shame in cutting off this particular potential source of stress. In fact - we'd rather you were happy and healthy, than good at writing music in short periods of time. Also, by abstaining when necessary, we hope this will allow you to remain excited about re-joining the group for the next album. And by golly we've got some great ideas for the next 2!

Right - I'm off to get intimate with your gorgeous tracks now. In case you weren't aware of it - you've all managed to produce better sounding tracks than ever before! Congratulations IML - you astonishing bunch of cats.


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