Sunday, November 8, 2009

Freak C'est Greek

So this project is being run in a slightly different fashion to our previous ones so there's only one date on people's lips:

Monday 30 November

That's when the contributors need to get their finished tracks over to IML HQ in Cambridge for sequencing, and then onto mastering in the U S of A. I've drawn together the following known facts about who's getting involved, and where possible, what they're writing about:

Barney - Medusa (Greek/Freak)
Joe (with Greg) - Hephaestus (Greek)
Tim Donderevo - Prince Randian (Freak)
Jules and Sam - Chang and Eng Bunker (Freaks)
Layla - Mabel Stark (Freak)
Dan Waldkirch / Audrey - Stheno and Euryale (Greeks/Freaks)
Greg (with Barney and Layla) - Circus Freaks (Freaks)
Rob Fisher and Nick Osbourne - Julia Pastrana (tbc) (Freak)
Dan Gresham and Greg - tbc (tbc)
Dan Waldkirch - Procrustes (Greek)
B.T.Apricot - Robert Wadlow (Freak)

I think that's all I know about so far, holler if I've got the wrong subject anywhere. For those that are interested, based on the core genus of our subjects the match scores so far are:

Ancient Greeks 5 - Circus Freaks 4

With 4 subjects yet to be declared there's everything to play for.


  1. Sadly Bubo has fallen from his perch (for now). Tim might be releasing an ambitious EP of work comprising the various subjects he almost recorded tracks for over the last few albums. It would be a Japanese special. I don't know about you, but I think that sounds VERY special. Fingers crossed it happens, do you hear us Tim M, do you? Do you? x
