Well I set about starting my writing for AGACF which as well as a chord sequence is also the abbreviation for our latest album, Ancient Greeks and Circus Freaks. Incredible, just incredible. You see what happened there? More procrastination. I actually lifted the lid on the piano next to me to test that chord sequence before continuing to blog. What does it mean? Well, working on these projects has got me comfy, too comfy perhaps.
As I was saying, I sat down to start writing at the weekend and decided that because I didn't have all my bits and pieces plugged in (midi synths, guitar port) it was just going to be too difficult to start recording in a fit of inspiration. So I built a shelf to put my speakers on. Typical, rather than picking up an acoustic guitar to do some noodling and writing, I built a shelf. The theory being that to be set up for a life of continual creativity, the tools that you use to create should always be as easily accessible as possible. Well I've now got there. EVERYTHING is plugged in whenever I switch on the computer. There are little LEDS all over the shop screaming, make me twinkle, make me twinkle. And what did I do? Pick up the acoustic guitar and sit on the sofa for two hours with a pen and paper. Instant song.
Now that everything is plugged in I can relax, finally I can pick up my acoustic guitar, and turn the computer off.
Oh and the song I've written is a love song about Medusa. I think it's going to need the cliche police to go to town on it before I record it. Perhaps even, whilst only looking at the lyrics with a mirror in case the nature of them turns people into stones. That's what she did right? Turn people into stones?